Claudia's First Photos

By Clauds

Mummy's Boots

My boots are spotty, Mummy's are stripey. I couldn't see my boots with my big coat on so I took this photo of Mummy's boots before we went out for our walk.

I love walking in the woods, there are always doggies. Today I met lots of dogs and one small puppy who jumped on me a lot. It was very funny. I giggled a lot. I also sat on my favourite high tree stump and I saw a spider's web, some big red mushrooms and lots and lots of ladybirds (I think there must have been a meeting as they were all on one tree).

Amy fell asleep in the wrap as usual and Mummy took lots of photos. As usual. I love walking in the woods but I only want to hold Daddy's hand as he is my favourite.

After our walk we stopped at the van to get a burger. I tried my first Ribena. I liked it and it comes in a purple box! I read the numbers and letters on the side of the van while we waited.

I like Sundays.

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