24 hour life

By Sarah12

Maternity ward at Donna Nook.

A special day today.

We drove two hours to the Lincolnshire coast to RAF Donna Nook. Just over the dunes, there is a very special maternity unit. Common grey seals come onto the beach between October and December to deliver their pups.

Literally at your feet (a flimsy fence), separates you from mums and their very new babes. Some born only last night. The pups make a surreal, eerie noise to call their mums. They are totally at ease with the hundreds of people who come to see the new arrivals. Fortunately most visitors are well behaved, I only saw one dickhead trying to stroke a pup.

It's a brilliant sight and experience. If ever you're in the area at this time of the year, go.

I'm going to put my other pics on flicker, if I can remember how to do it!

Here is the link to flicker!

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