Bath in a Bath

Here is Jessica playing with her baby bath in the big bath and she is soaking here! She also put a soft bodied doll in which is now dripping wet!! She was having a ball though.

Missed my first day since May yesterday. We went to our neighbours engagement party last night with the kids and in all our excitement we forgot to take a picture of the kids in their party clothes - gutted. Never mind I have done well these last 5 months by not missing one so best get over it!!

Knackered now after drinking and partying next door at the party. The kids loved it and John and I had a great time too. Congratulations David and Esther!

The kids are all in the living room with Daddy and I am in the kitchen in complete peace and quiet to watch the best movie ever - you guessed it GREASE!!! Love it.

Time for an early night soon.



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