Family Dog

By Family_Dog

road trip...

As the weather has been so nice recently (well, less rancid than usual), I have been thinking about camping quite a bit.

I really miss it. It's been a year (almost to the day) since we last went camping and because it's in my thoughts so much, everything is making me think of it. The sounds of zips, the sound of rain on Arlo's pram rain cover, the smell of bacon, the first Bees album, the colour of the sky, the feel of my waterproof jacket.

I want to be by a loch, with a glass of red wine in hand, feet warming on the stones of the fire, the sound of sausages sizzling on the trangia stove, Bry chopping wood and predicting the weather as the clouds roll by - keeping us guessing.

So...Bry's off on holiday for the next 2 weeks and we've decided we're going to go away on a wee holiday next week. Just for a few days - 5 at the most. We have a Plan A (nice weather) and a Plan B (rubbish weather) and both are pretty exciting.

We might be crazy taking a 7 week old baby camping, but we always said that our baby would be a part of our life and camping is something we love. With a bit of prior organisation, it can be done. Any tips on taking babies on holiday? Gratefull received.

Bry's had his head stuck in this book for hours plotting the route.


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