Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Sunny side of the morning

The only thing Arlo will eat for brekkie these days is eggs - whilst I totally love him having such a great breakfast, I'm not sure an egg everyday is such a good thing. He's bored to death of all the other options and bless him, he's tried so hard to like porridge, but the texture makes him boak!

What to do what to do?

That aside, mornings are becoming a little more mellow at Family Dog HQ as I've taken Ida's rubbish sleeping regime to task and seem to (touch wood) be winning. She's off the dummy and after 2 pretty hellish nights of doing controlled crying she's been a wee angel and slept right through till 6.30am. Given that she'd sometimes wake up 4 or 5 times in a night, that's pretty good going.

Long may it continue......

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