
just shortly after one child threw up, another announced that her bike was being mended so she needed a lift to school. That was the point when I realised that my chance of getting to work on time were around zero...especially as I was not dressed....
So, one child dropped *near* the school so I could turn the car hastily and not be seen out in my early morning uniform of baggy leggings and hoodie, crocs and dirt, another was sent to lie down and I phoned in for a "work at home" day problem as I had everything I needed with me and we've got an internet, right? Yes, but today was the day when the internet decided to work in 10 minute bursts with breaks of a hour or two in between. Thanks internet, that was really nice of you.
Anyway, Ms Sickie got bored pretty soon so she built a temple to science whilst listening to a CD about great....scientists. Darwin, Mendel and Einstein were the bits I listened to as well. They were right clever, weren't they?!

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