Pied Wagtail

For a while this morning the sun came back and it felt like spring. I walked around the duck pond in town blipping like a kid with a new toy and got back into the car reasonably happy with myself. Just as I was about to pull away I noticed this cheeky chappie on the bonnet (that's the hood for all you North Americans!) of the car next to me. The great thing about electric windows is that they can be wound down almost without moving. Blip! Blip! got off two frames before he tired of the game and flitted off at high speed. So instead of reeds, reflections and rubbish you get yourselves a Pied Wagtail today.

Finally, my sincerest thanks to you all for your huge response to my 500th blip yesterday, for all your encouragement, for the red hearts and for the fact that the shot hit the spotlight. Hope to keep you interested as time goes on.

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