Yes!!!! A sunset

Horrendous day - lashing rain, and general greyness. The smalls were cranky and I was glad to be able to beat a hasty retreat! The joys of being part time.

I did a bit of work on my potential website then both of us were getting cabin fever so decided to take a walk anyway. Half way around we were joined by Mollie the Mad Collie (no relation to the one that blips!!) -the untrainable and bouncy free range dog belonging to our friends. She refused to go home and as we approached the road started to bark and rush at the traffic. We had to tie her using my belt as a lead. Half way home we met Peter the Buddhist and his nice calm well behaved dog - Mollie's sworn enemy, she goes truly bonkers when she sees him! Peter hid behind the corner while we decided the next strategy when suddenly Klaus, Mollie's owner, appreared in his car and Mollie was driven home, unrepentent. By this time the rain had stopped and a glorious sunset was appearing - the first we've had for months - but by the time we reached home, our boreen was swathed in mist.

Right, I think it's the Morris Men film tonight - just preparing my hankies and bells :)

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