'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell


I loved walking into my class on this foggy and damp morning and seeing this! It instantly lifts your mood, makes you feel warm and want to just reach out to catch the rays. There is another painting that is still to be finished that is equally mood lifting! Both would look stunning at home ;-)! The artwork is linked to the Olympics with the theme of going beyond gold. An artist is spending two days with the children and I am so impressed by what has been achieved after just one day.

Three beautiful things -
Atmosphere - the view of the Fog rolling down the tidal river. It made me feel as though there were secrets being hidden in the fog whilst peaceful at the same time. One morning I will make some time to stop somewhere and get some photos.

Achievement - such a fab morning with the children and the maths investigation we are working on at the moment. All children are making some great progress but in a personalised way. I am so excited by what is beginning to happen in the school and how the children are learning in different ways. Hopefully the School Improvement Partner visit will also recognise this.

Confidence - someone seeing me in a different situation and seeing the confidence I have as a leader of my school. Just wish I could apply this same confidence in other areas of my life :-)!

One thing to be grateful for:
Leftover roast dinner

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