of - yes... another cactus blossom
it's a difficult thing to bypass the many blossoms that are staring me in the face... as i pass them day after day. they don't last long, these flowers - are in a myraid of stages at this point... some still buds - some partially open - some full blossoms... i have different shades of red as well as white - and then some with this wonderful stripe of pink running through. it's an abundance of flowering gloriousness in the inbetween of fall ending and winter beginning... the welcoming of a new season that can be a bit dreary in those early weeks - even bringing a tiny amount of depression along the way.
so all these various shapes and sizes and colors - ellicit a joyous awakening... a spring in the step... that all will be well - is well... and is a reminder of the awesomeness of something bigger than myself - that is at work... making for...
happy day.....
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