Life Slips By

By Cider12

Cider poses

I know, I know...that's two Cider shots in a row. But I've spent most of the day getting everything done at work and I still need to pack.

Besides, I told Cider we won't have internet where we're going and he said we needed to post a photo of him looking impossibly handsome in case you missed him while we were gone.

I guess his point was if you missed him, you could come back and look at his photo.

I told him his ego was as big as his furry ruff.

He said, take the picture.

So I took the picture...

Extra photos:

There, I packed for us. Can we go now?

No, you're not drunk and you're not seeing double (actually, you may be drunk for all I know, but you're not seeing in quintuplet just yet)...just playing with some old lenses a friend of mine found in her grandfather's camera bag

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