
By DibDobs


Hokitika may not have much to occupy you for 2 days but the people were some of the most genuine friendly people I have met.

Watching the rugby in the hotel I was staying in (which served as the local for everyone in the town) I was an object of interest to all the patrons.

Everyone came to speak to me ('So... you're not from around here' was the usual start to the conservations) to find out where I was from, how I was liking NZ, what did I think of there little town, what were my plans, would I come back, asking about Scotland, offered to buy me drinks - I even got a plate of chips bought for me!

I have found NZ hospitality extraordinary - everyone is so welcoming and go out of their way to speak to you and if needs be help you (thank you Intercity bus drivers!) and this was highlighted by the people of Hokitika.

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