With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Taking steps

We've taken many up these to the school.

And I have embarked on a budget plan. At the moment, the proposed budget is in the red and I haven't included any 'extras', including my monthly visit to the osteopath. I have booked another in three weeks time, however. He's given up doing many manipulations and spends most of the time on my neck and head. It's obvious there's no point if my body reacts against them. We have quite some fun. "Try to rel..." and we're already laughing. I just hope I can afford to keep going (even though he charges me the minimum, bless him) as I really need his help.

I was late for the writers' group meeting, but it was lovely anyway, even if my offerings were as usual, in progress.

More frantic cleaning followed, as there is someone coming to see the house tomorrow when I'm still working. And all Knut's work is now undone.

Apparently my answer lies in working full time, which as a single mother of two young boys fills my heart with dread. I know many people have to suffer much more, particularly at the moment. I just really don't want the boys to suffer. My three days at work are about all I can cope with. It's now five to eleven and I haven't eaten yet. Normal for Tuesday. That stupid phrase 'work-life balance' seems to imply you need another four hours a day to get everything done.

Still, there are no easy answers. You know the other well worn phrase - one step at a time.

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