Happy Birthday Ophelia!!

My little baby is two years old today. She had her friends round for a tea party this afternoon, which was lovely and certainly the most people we have ever squashed into our new house! On refelection, getting a bunch of (mostly) two year olds to play a prolonged game of Pass the Parcel probably isn't the best idea. By the end of the game, there were two or three older kids left in the circle and the rest were wandering around eating chocolate buttons they'd unwrapped with each layer of the parcel.

Tonight, when Hubby came back from work, we had another little party and then Ophelia opened her presents. She loves her new doll's house! She received some gorgeous gifts from her friends - thank you everyone!

More good news today - my Dad had an accident yesterday that resulted in him breaking his hip. The hip was operated on today, and thankfully he seems to have come through it ok and will hopefully make a good recovery over time.

Edit: this is my 1095th entry - three years' worth of journal entries, though it has taken over three and a half years to get here! Hats off to those who never miss a day. I might try to go every day for the next year...we'll see!

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