a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

hidden gem

Another day of editing photos, but I am almost done! I got one family session up on the website and I am almost done with the second family session. whew!

It's fun seeing the photos, and the cute kiddos!!

This afternoon, I was driving down a nearby road and noticed a very long dirt driveway with a horse farm on the side. This horse was by the fence and the soft haziness of the day seemed to give it a pretty glow. Of course, I had to turn around and drive down the driveway to take a few photos!!

A half day for Jack tomorrow, then it's Thanksgiving on Thursday!! We are going to my moms this year, and then Marks moms house on Friday to celebrate again!! I can't wait for turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy!!! (And hopefully I'll be able to go home with some leftovers!!)

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