Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje


We had to walk across the beach to get to the 'stage' (a hollow in the dunes, very sandy) to see a show. The thing about Oerol is that the stage can be anywhere across the Island. There are stages in barns and big tents and stages on the beach, or a clearing in the forest...

While we walked the sun was sinking and I took some pictures. I thought this one was the most spectacular. I took some pictures that had more to do with Oerol, but I could not resit posting this one.

More sunset pictures

Shows we've seen today:
Renske van den Broek / Amoris
Maybe they are not brothers at all. Maybe there never was a mother. Maybe the circus only exists in the overheated fever-dreams of two boys with no prospects. Amoris is a colourful location-specific tale, about dreams that are worth living your life for.

Madeleen Bloemendaal / The tour of the red backpacks
A traveller traverses the whole world, and further. In search of a place he feels at home. But his Utopia remains elusive. The voices in his head become rebellious. Finally, his conversation partner, Doubt, pounces: ?Am I looking for something that doesn't exist?? This absurdist piece of theatre rich in movement, performed in a hollow in the dunes, addresses the infinite nature of our inner worlds.

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