Trial and Error

By DawnC


My regular reader may recall the parking ticket I was erroneously issued with a few weeks ago. As I said at the time, I was contesting it as I was innocent. The parking notice company, however, have thus far failed to respond. Today was my first time back at the university since that fateful day and when I got back to my car to depart there was another bloody parking ticket stuck to my window!!!! And again it was for 'failure to clearly display the required permit'. However, said permit (which reached me in the post a couple of days after they issued the original notice) is displayed on my front windscreen - how much more clearly displayed could it be?!!!??!!!

I said something I won't repeat here, screwed it up, threw it on the floor of my car and drove off. I have since involved the university Parking Office in the hope that they can sort it out. They have the advantage of being able to speak to the parking notice people on the phone, something I am not allowed to do.


Oh, and this is a spine.

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