Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Giant Snack!

Well, it's not really that giant! These little donut-shaped biscuits measure around 4-5 cm across. The rats can carry them, whole, in their mouths, all over the cage and polish them off pretty quickly (we're talking within the hour here - although if they've already filled up on other food, then they might finish them in a couple of sittings, but certainly they don't last more than 2 or 3 hours maximum). Laura can drag one into her cardboard tunnel, and takes about 2 days to completely eat it. Robbie, on the other hand, takes tiny little nibbles out of his, and has to stand on it to reach the bits in the middle! I think he'll have it for the best part of a week at least!

Bless him! Not all his food is that big - he does have dwarf hamster muesli, which is in very small pieces, and when I give him bits of apple, carrot or dried mealworm I always chop it up small for him or pick out the little ones!

Today I was at home again, trying to do too many jobs all at once. It was one of those days when I felt like I was going round in circles and had much more to do than I had time to do it (which was, to a large extent, true). I did manage to clean the bath and the bathroom sink (long overdue on both counts, and the contrast was excellent to behold), and I finally did my accounts, which is always a bit of a mammoth task! I also sorted out my jobs list!

The only problem is that I feel about my jobs list the way Robbie might feel when he approaches his snack:

It's absolutely massive, and it'll take a long time to finish!!!

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