Hopping around!

By Harebell

Gray Day...

Alasdair Gray, that is. We have been to Glasgow today, to search out the artwork of Alasdair Gray who is a Glaswegian artist and writer. Mr H and Dad have read 'Lanark' which is one of his most famous works.

We started at the 'Oran Mor', ('big song') this is a pub and music venue which was a former church. For eight years, Mr Gray has been painting the ceiling there. We had a private viewing of the work and this is today's blip. It is the most amazing art work, our guide was very willing to let me take a few photographs.

It is worth examining the detail.

We carried on the the Gallery of Modern Art, where there was an Exhibition of some of Gray's work, called 'City Recorder' recording a lot of stuff from the seventies, including the fashions, flares and tank tops. Upstairs from this there was a gallery where the public were invited to make a piece of work to display. I made a bee.

Last stop was the 'People's Palace. A few more works of Gray and Billy Connolly's Banana Boots, classy indeed. We are home and all flopped out, now.

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