Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

19 months old

A blip of D today. I thought I'd write a little bit about him today as it's interesting for me to record his development. Bloody boring for anyone else I suspect!

He is a delightful little boy but is very strong willed and has a wicked temper. He's developing a good throwing arm. Unfortunately.

He's very affectionate and loves cuddles especially from his big sister, at the moment. He also really likes kissing her whereas I don't get many kisses from him!

He has a very limited vocabulary so far which is leading to a lot of frustration on his part. He is trying so hard to talk and looks at you intently as he makes a range of sounds, which we find very cute. His vocabulary includes:
Ga gaa (used for lots of things but mainly for saying 'bye bye')
Encore (french for again)
Duck, cow, horse, pig, owl, dog and cricket (very strange but it's due to a favourite book of his) sounds.

He understands simple instructions in both English and French. He nods his head vigorously in order to answer a question and claps when he knows he's done something well.

He loves his ride on motorbike and is pretty fearless on it.

He loves books, especially ones to do with animals, which is pretty much every baby book.

He loves dancing and goes around and around in circles while nodding his head and raising his arms in the air.

He loves toy cars and trains and anything with wheels really, such as his sister's toy pushchair.

He loves his little mate Gabriel at the creche as they are inseparable during the day.

He loves his Bob the Builder slippers and won't tolerate any others.

He loves bathtime.

He hates getting out of the bath - even when there is no water in it.

He hates having his nappy changed.

He hates getting dressed.

He hates most food now and is a very picky eater.

He hates being left at the creche.

He hates being picked up from the creche.

I absolutely love the bones of him - despite the newly found grey hairs, wrinkles and bags under my eyes!

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