flat over cobbles

8:30am and off the bike on the way to work.

Was having a great cycle in when my rear wheel caught a cobble edge at pace and the tube lost a lot of pressure. Managed to cycle a mile with weight loaded onto the front wheel, but after that the tyre was going to start getting damaged.

So walked the second mile into work. Which was pertinent after yesterday's chat with folks at home group.

Finding it a bit of a struggle to keep my eyes focussed on the right things at work. Not an issue of glasses or poorly-adjusted monitor settings. More about pressures, expectations, clarity (or lack of it) and probably a bit of concern that the things I'm working on actually don't matter enough. Still got things done and made progress on work that's needing completed.

Tonight I have made a fairly epic to-do list. And done some things already.

Today was also an epic day for our Christmas shopping with much of it now being completed. Wrapped a couple of gifts too.

It feels like everything is being stretched and squashed and tested and tried.

And that means there's growth happening.

Which is great.

I chickened out and paid the guys at MacDonald cycles to replace the inner tube for me (cue rolling eyes). Didn't have time to not be at work or be late home.

Also need to apologise to Mr Tractor for leaving my bike precariously parked next to/on his. Not locked to it, but just in close proximity. I had removed the rear wheel, taken it to the shop and expected the tube to be done there and then, but they wanted me to leave it... Sorry for any inconvenience.

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