A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Movember: Day Twenty Four

I'm out all day so I'm having to do this at work. I had planned some serious photoshopping for today's pose but the sun is shining - for once! - and the glare on my screen makes any digital work impossible.

Shirt: This is a present from my Dad, an ex-British Rail employee. You can see the red logo in the bottom right of the picture. Very trendy in an ironic hipster kind of way.

Accessory: A teapot and a coffee plunger. There was a board meeting at work today so I had to prepare lunch and take the minutes. I remember the first time I had to do this I had the strangest feeling that I should be wearing a skirt and high heels. That's gender stereotyping for you.

Expression: Trolley Dolly. "Tea or Coffee"? It was terrifying how quickly I managed to achieve this blank faced look of customer service insincerity. Like I was born to it!

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