Longest day

A really long day at work today. The last day before any holiday is always very busy. Missed a beautiful sunset while inside a room with no windows. Rushed home with my computer to work on the last bit of a State report due by 11:59 p.m. tonight only to find that the site is secured by IP address, and only accessible from my work. So we quickly cleaned our dinner plates, and then the boys and I went to work until after 9:00 p.m. Probably one of their latest nights ever by the time I got them down.

The sky is so incredibly clear right now. I can't manage to get what I'm seeing out there. I don't think I have a high enough ISO from some of the research I've been doing. But at least it's not from my front/back yard. :)

Looking forward to family coming tomorrow for our Thanksgiving feast. Yum.

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