
By Daizy


...days of the Richard Fisher Charity Swim. Today it was the turn of year7 (11-12 year-olds). They swim as many lengths as they can in an hour, and then have the difficult job of collecting their sponsorship money.

I had a fright earlier when I was trying to upload this blip and it zero-ed my number of entries! With 3 days to go to getting my shiny silver camera, I was not happy! Still, normal service has now been resumed. Don't know if it un-glitched itself or if the wonderful people at Blipcentral did in response to my panic-stricken message, but I'm happy again.

Still up to my ears in work (and likely to be so until next week at least), so I'm not commenting as much as I'd like to...apologies, hopefully this will improve soon!

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