watch out Murphey.....
Pepe the 'humper' is on his way...
Poor Murphy,he has his leg humped by Pepe all the time,well as often as Pepe can manage,Pepe is such a perv,he has been done and everything,he fires blanks but it never stops him getting his 'lipstick' out when he sees a large male dog.... he does prefer the tall ones.. strange little dog.
Went out after school drop off and had a play with my new lens.... I do need a tripod to be fair as I am not the steadiest of hand,I resisted photographing in the windows of the hotel as Murphys owner is my friend Ali and she is a policewoman :) ... I feel the need to explain how you can see into the bedrooms... the top of the Welcome hills is level with the upstairs and roof of the hotel,so if you like the hotel is in a tiny valley,I shall try and get a decent picture one day,it will be boring but I may do it out of a public service kindness ;) hahahahah .. I do talk crap.
I nearly went back to the mini toadstools but I thought three days on the trot might be pushing it.....
On a different note,I vacumed out the bath..... it was dry not wet... no electric shock games here.. no,that bloody cat Princess Mitten kitten lies in it and its always hairy,the kids complain.
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