hello again

By admirer


brought on by a new reflection that I saw walking around the harbour. The ducks are unaware of it, or so it seems. They swim and fly towards me for food.
I walked very slowly today because of the beginning cold yesterday night. Could however not resist to enjoy the soft sunshine in the open air.
I reflected about the difference that I feel in myself drawing or taking photos.
I started to draw with chalk in 2001 and I found out that I drawed with most pleasure when being angry, how angrier the better. I felt then that I had reason to be angry and made every day 2 or three drawings in a very short time, on very large paper. After some years I had a tremendously high pile of paper and reflected then that I had to stop and first think about what to do with that pile. That took years and still I do not know.
The opposite happens when making photos, I feel all restful and quiet, enjoy the silence around me and in myself. And I do not make piles any longer, they rest in my laptop, in Blipland (thank God) and in flickr too.
The nicest thing about it is that I do not act only for myself, I feel very stimulated by knowing the pictures are looked at, by Piet Hein, Mischa and blipfriends and otherwise.

My haiku:

Nothings happens here
Ever some people tell me
Limitless I see

And the german proverb:

Better silent like a fool, than talk like a fool.

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