
By BikerJim



Had a thoroughly entertaining day.
Really enjoyed shooting this building.
This is another photograph taken at sunset.
To tell the truth, I love shooting at this time of day.
The colors become so much richer and vibrant.
The shadows become longer and darker.
And the highlights get much whiter.

Funny I should mention whiter and darker.
I spent a awesome day with my new friends.
WhiteBalance and dark/adapted.
Great people and very fun to be around.
We sat on my patio and chatted for a couple of hours.
Then we went to the local grill for a delicious lunch.
Afterwards we drove around the area sightseeing.
White was out the car window with her camera.
So dark and I spent the time chatting. ;o)
Without a doubt we all had a really good time.
Laughing, talking photography, joking, and eating.
And most of all, getting to know each other.
I think we started what will be a great friendship.
Owe it all to Blip, who would have guessed?


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