The Chaos Bros

By vik

11th Birthday

Happy Birthday Bro1!!

Lego, Lego and more Lego for him much to his delight.

Wee Bro4 missed cake o'clock, he was very early to bed for the second night in a row due to having the worst cold ever. Bro2 went to the docs only for me to be told what I already knew, it's a virus. Tell that to him I said, he asked me this morning if he was going to die. Then he asked the doctor the same who assured him he has at least 80 years before he needs to worry about that.

Bro3 loved having Bro1's choice of birthday tea, tapas it was, between four instead of six so we are now stuffed. I may well squeeze in a wee rioja in a bit though :-)

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