I heard a rumour that the black keyrings were bigger than the other colours. I would like the quash this rumour. If anything they are smaller, Nell's giant clodhoppers* weren't going to fit. So operation dollface was abandoned temporarily for operation ballet feet.

This is the prototype. It's looking good to me but needs some refining and some s hooks. But definitely en pointe is on the card in the future. so the heads waiting on some eyes and the feet are waiting on some hooks... who knows, I might even do some printing tomorrow.

I have done some other stuff. I went to the park with Finn and Laila and Mel and allowed my son to climb on wet things (to be honest he was only copying me) which lead Mel's daughter to climb on wet things which lead to mild stress on her part. I found my memory cards and I burnt some screens and I installed some logic puzzles on my phone to play while I pretend to be interested in games the nut is playing.

Sadly it back fired as he was far more interested in my game. It was all a balloon popping*.

*I put clompers there but my computer changed it to clodhoppers. That's pretty clever. Unlike when my old phone changed 'jims mum' to 'limp nuns' which frankly added a whole new dimension to my text message

*LOGIC PROBLEM balloon popping. seriously. I was growing my brain.

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