Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Foliage Firework Fountain

Thanks to Wooly and PicLocata, the Mystery of the Golden Keys was solved;

Wooly's link to Wikipedia here.

Amazing what you learn on blip. A real life Da Vinci Code mystery! (sort of... wellllll.....)

I *did* do yet another Cathedral photo but in the words of Michel Roux Jnr, it just wasn't right.

And earlier my colleague Ivan dashed into the room desperate for me to grab my camera as there was an awesome sunset setting behind a chimneystack. I couldn't oblige as I was in the middle of an online demonstration thing! Very considerate colleagues I have though! Hopefully Ivan will join the Mighty Blip as his pictures are great. His I-phone sunset was awesome.

So this blip has no relation to my day suffice to say I really like it!

It was another headtorch effort but I think it looks better than in the daylight. I say 'It', because I have no idea what 'It' is! But it's growing over the back fence and is really pretty in a non-flowery way.

I couldn't decide if it was a Foliage Fountain, or a Foliage Firework, so it's both. Even if it isn't really foliage (is it?)

Day off work tomorrow. Am going Christmas Shopping. But... instead of heading to the high street, it's going to be little gift shops and quite possibly Salts Mill. Bit of an experiment but it might... just... work... (*rubs chin and looks sinister*)

EDIT: Just as I blipped, my colleague Ivan mentioned above *has* joined the Mighty Blip :o) This is Ivan's Opening Blip!

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