a very organic building
This old workhouse complex just outside the Schull has morphed into a beautiful mixture of crumbling ruin meets rampaging ivy. There are several ruins and an old orchard within the remains of a very high surrounding wall. One gets the feeling that it was definately better to be kept out rather than shut in.
Spent a happy morning doing an Antenatal clinic in Bantry. My clinical day is usually the best day of my working week, with job satisfaction putting a big smile on my face today. I never know what's going to happen. who'll I'll see, weather the baby will or won't come this week, who is happy, who is sad, who needs extra TLC and who's back again.....for just one more! Ireland loves it's big families and with the recession comes more babies. Strange but true!
Out to a birthday dinner tonight. It's 'pot luck' and next door, fantastic!
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