Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Quelle Cock-up

It's an hour until school kicking-out time, the dog needs a walk, I would like to take a photo of a completely different place today.
I know - Braunton Burrows!
Grab Richard, wellies on, throw dog in car, check that Joel (his school not open today) can pick up Tess if we're late, chuck on coat, grab camera, rush out door.


Jump out of car. Blimey it's cold. Strut to the big sand dune, get palpitations. Stand still and wonder if I'm old enough to get a heart attack. Get over myself, power on again. Get laughed at by woman for calling our dog Dylan, wonder why, stride up sand dune, curse exceptionally strong wind, curse sand for getting in my eyes, reach into pocket for camera... That's funny - it feels very light. Curse self for forgetting to put batteries back in. Have a mini tantrum, steal Richard's iPhone, take photos with iPhone instead - grumbling continuously, get blown about, whinge about sore eyes, go home with earache.

Come home, make some pasta thing for those that will eat it, can't get photos onto laptop, struggle with bluetooth, email them to myself, prat about, wonder why it's twenty to six suddenly...

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