
By monkus

Beresford: take three

This afternoon was spent in Glasgow . One of my absolute favourite buildings lives there, the Beresford, a glorious piece of architecture. And so, armed with a polarising filter which arrived yesterday, a chance to try to work it out and, hopefully, get a good blip of it. And so I set off for Sauchiehall Street....

Home, I put up a blip of something completely different, a street scene, which had caught my eye on the way to Queen Street. I liked it, the Beresford could be another time.

And then I played around with some of the shots of the Beresford, and the results were interestingly crap, but, I really liked one of them and put it up as my blip.

And then I decided that I wanted to put up an undoctored shot. And this is it, for the moment....

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