2 Dogs

By Blaze

Keep in touch

I am going.to.start by saying "sorry" ( though this blip feels apt today) Two days ago I got a visit from a policeman to tell me my father had died, which came as a.surprise as he left me when I was two, over forty.years ago. Though I have felt resentment and anger.towards him that he never stayed in touch, it is still my "dad". The strange thing was my daughter was telling me she had been thinking of him and new I did not really want to meet him but could she. This was only three or four days before he died. After my daughter told me this I thought about it over night and the next day and thought life is to short, I will try to find him, little did I know he only lived about three miles away. I have just come from his flat , feeling down and also will admit to guilt and disappointment as the flat and its contents and.the friend of his I met today ( who was pleasent enough to me ) have left me of an impression of a man who was sadly not very nice , and even after all those years I have felt resentment , I think you always want to be able to imagine your father as a good guy no matter what, sadly I ain't now. I think the reason I am blipping this is to say no matter what, life is short and I think I would of liked to have.made my own mind up about him. Good or bad, and really wish we.had kept in contact , even if we never really liked each other. So if any one.out there in blip land is in similar circumstances, I would say make.the.effort to stay untouched, in my circumstances, unfortunately we.were both losers in the end. Sorry again about this blip .

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