Five things

By fivethings


1. It's all blown out brollies stuffed into bins round my way first thing. I take one look at the clock and another at the weather and get a cab to my first meeting in the west end. It's exciting stuff.

2. I arrive in time to log in for the first of the live chats I am involved in today. The first is on a panel on the Guardian website talking social media. It takes a lot of concentration but we get in our stride and it becomes fun.

3. There's a quick break before the next one which leaves just enough time for me to eat my lunch. Today we had Tiffin boxes delivered - this is mine. Cute, eh?. Spicy as f### right enough but I love my lunch waiting for me in the fridge in pots when I arrive.

4. The rest of the afternoon is spent talking about Panto online. Big weekend this, Alan Cumming is downstairs rehearsing for a big Panto and variety event tomorrow morning. It's a good atmosphere in the office.

5. Snug and warm and an early night beckoning.

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