All things me

By KatiePie

Emergency Blip - Again..

This is Little One's polystyrene tile printy pic thing that she did at after school art club this week - I really liked it so whacked it in my clever frame on the wall thing for making your kid's stuff look great.

Wish I'd had art club when I was small. She's only 7 but I don't really remember "Art" back then. Art in secondary school tho was HELL. I'm one I was one of those fairly clever types, which automatically excluded me from being good at PE or Art. The minute I had the option I gave up art so that I didn't have to do really bad drawings any more and feel crap and I never entered the Art block again (other than to eat my packed lunch in the hall thing over there that was opposite the canteen - wonder if it's still there and what it's called - can't remember.. HELP Miss Scarlett.. Used to have house meetings in there too, Cartland always seemed to be a bit far removed from everyone else..)
Thing is.. 15 years later I kind of discovered I have a bit of an artistic streak. I'm just not very good at making it work. Had it been more enjoyable and had we played with more unusual mediums, I might have stuck with it and ooooh how different my life would have been..
Helped at the Winter Wonderland up at school this evening.
Drank wine and ate burritos when I got home.
Forgot to take photos.
= Emergency blip.

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