Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

We can't be conquered

I took this photo this morning as the sun was coming up. I was looking out the window of our 50th-floor hotel room, so this was taken through lots of glass. However, it is an image that speaks to me. This is the new Freedom Tower, being built at the World Trade Center in NYC. It is one of four new buildings that are being erected adjacent to the the site of the Twin Towers. Our room overlooked the construction site as well as the new 911 Memorial park which sits on the site of the original World Trade Center.

This image reminds me that we (humans, not just Americans) have a strong and indomitable spirit. We can be handed many challenges and defeats, yet we continue to rise up. A bit of a serious journal entry for me today.

If you would like more information about the 911 Memorial, you can visit their website here

I posted a set of photos taken in lower Manhattan over the last two days. If you'd care to browse, you can go here If you've never been to NYC, these may not fit your image of the City; even if you've visited, these may be places you haven't seen. I lived in NYC for many years, and I have a great love of "my" NYC - hope you enjoy it...

Happy Friday!

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