Red Flash

By RedFlash

Hard to know

The weather this morning was very bright.

Ideal for reflections so I wandered slowly into work taking loads of photos.

The rule of thumb is to use the one that makes me smile.

None do today and I've not started editing any of my pictures, other than a little trim.

Feel free to suggets some good software.

The day on the whole was not good.

At lunchtime I went for a greasy breakfast, as my 9am meeting had prevented a naughty bacon sandwich.

As the cafe is small and it was busy, I shared a table with a man called John who was still suffering from a hangover at 12:30.

I have a VERY large personality with too much bounce - alot like Tigger.

I'm not sure that in his inebriated state that he could cope. I suspect not.

I had a Number 6 (egg, bacon, sausage, mushrooms (the healthly bit), baked beans and hash browns) and a coffee for £4.70. Fantastic value for money.

Just as well, as I worked late and I have just had crisps for dinner, with a glass of Chardonnay, darling

The song has been chosen for the audition - On my own from Les Mis.

These are the nearly blips:

Carol Service venue
Book for Christmas

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