Wonderful Copenhagen

It would have been all to easy to blip The Little Mermaid, Nyhavn, the Royal Guards outside a palace or some quirky architectural detail on one of Copenhagen's many fine buildings ... and yes I took pics of all these but after 3 days in this fine city, the feature that I found the most striking is the bikes. They are everywhere and the cycle infrastructure looks to be tremendous - cycle paths as wide as normal road carriageways and thousands of cyclists going about their daily business on their bikes.

In fact, according to Copenhagenize.com :

"Each and every day roughly 500,000 citizens choose the bicycle in Greater Copenhagen. This blog highlights who they are, why they do and how it was made possible.

Forty years ago Copenhagen was just as car-clogged as anywhere else but now 37% of commuters crossing the city boundary ride bicycles each day. That number rises to 55% in the city proper. They use over 1000 km of bicycle lanes in Greater Copenhagen for their journeys. Copenhagenizing is possible anywhere."

So today's blip is of one of the countless rows of parked bikes in the centre of this wonderful city.

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