back at the desk


Mrs theWeir at work, the weeWeir finally asleep and I'm in the computer room. Again.


This time I am not doing something for the day job. Nope. I'm learning some tunes. Actually, I'm learning some Tenor parts for the Christmas Choir.

Today has been a properly good day. Up, showered, fed and out the door to take the weeWeir for a little Christmas shopping. Two hours. Done.

We were only going for a handful of things as much of our gifts have been bought online. That, and we've decided that we're not buying for you any more, so that's 90 fewer gifts. An average of 90 views on my blips each day. Which is nice, I guess.

Back to the plot.

After shopping, we went to the farm for a few hours for some soft play, food, animals and bubble racing.

Then home for a brief nap (not for me), some Veggie Tales, dinner, Just Dance, books and (eventually) bed.


A welcome anti-dote to a week of too much work and not enough play.

Now, to remember how to read Bass Clef...

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