St. Nick's Fair.

I'm not 100% sure The Boss got what she was expecting with the St. Nicholas Fair. It was more a celebration of local produce, toys, games, food etc.
I can state, beyond any shadow of doubt she enjoyed it and we came away with either 2 Christmas presents: or 1 present and one to keep for us. (YES folks the C word) I refuse to pander to the P.C.P. (Political Correct Police) and call it a holiday present or even BLOODY winterval.
I've a sneaky suspicion we might just be off some where if she sniffs a continental fair within spitting distance.

The shot is one of a few trees dotted around. This one's in St. Helen's Square, with St. Helen's Church part-visible behind.

''Although the first evidence we have of St Helen's dates only from the twelfth century, it is probably of pre-Conquest origin, ie from the first half of the eleventh century or earlier.''

Watch this space

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