northern monkeys

By scotchlass

Top night out in London continued

Continued from yesterday
After getting to our destination in Knightsbridge for a club called Kenzo's. We decided to get something to eat, as the pub snacks had worn off and some of the ladies needed a bit of food to soak up the alcohol. Some of them disppeared into pizza express for some food, myself, Neil, Bryher and Missymoo found a Macy D's round the corner, for something to eat.

Refulled we headed back round the corner to the nightclub, the cars driving around the area were amazing, lots of Porsches, ferraris, Bentleys and probably a few more that i didnt see.
The club was great, lots more dancing until 2am, where we came out to find our ride home waiting for us. This time we had a white stretched hummer to take us home. There was a bit more space for the ones that made it to the end of the evening, as a few ladies bailed out of coming to the club, and had to make their own way home, all i can say is they missed out on the rest of a fantastic evening, their loss.
Back home after crashing on Missymoo's floor for the rest of the morning.

Thank you Missymoo for a top night xx

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