Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Back through the airport and onto Doha

Well, it was back to the airport today to catch a flight to Doha to see a new potential client. I was taking my installation manager and a pile of test equipment to get installed at Doha airport for a few weeks trial.

Unfortunately - the bag screening had showed up the huge pile of equipment in our bags, and we were promptly pulled by customs.

All our gear was impounded until we could prove what it was for.

Today, we spent from 10:00-17:00 shuttling between departments, asking people to release our gear.

After several "Dubious" cash transactions (I suspect to "speed" the process), I eventually had all the paperwork and went back to customs.

And they I had to pay around £400 to get all our equipment released! Finally got it at 17:00.

Just as well we planned an extra day - cause we just lost a whole one shuttling about.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

(PS - Pic is just a nuce car at Dubai Airport)

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