
Today is a day of real significance for me: it's the day I've decided that I have finally shed the relevance of the monicker 'Loves Nothing'. Before I bash all that out I'll have a few words to say about my shot.

It's my Golf on a lane near me with some mint looking sky as well. I'm actually quite proud of this shot, which is unusual for me. Let's hope I come up with some words that I'm proud of to.....

Pride. It's an odd thing that isn't it? You can find that it holds you back, pushes you forwards and affects everything you do. I always considered myself a proud man, but the year 2011 tested that. My more dedicated subscribers will remember me being a looooong way off a proud man in March, April and May. It's been a shitty year in which I let my dignity slide at several key moments. My first name change from 'Gazimp' to 'Lovesnothing' occured because of matters related to my spectactular fall from um.... well not grace..... maybe my fall from dignity?
Now? Well I feel I've clawed back my sanity and dignity through a real change in my once pessimistic thought patterns. Now I try and let things slide by, I don't let the little things make me upset. As a result I believe my life has changed: for good.

Therefore Loves Nothing seems irrelevant now. I've decided that with effect from tomorrow I shall be operating under a different guise. That's where you come in. What should I be called now?

I have a few ideas. Maybe 'Bouncing Back' could be the name of my journal, to pay a slight homage to Alan Partridge as well as my own six month journey. I thought maybe 'In Other News' might be relevant as it's something I try to include every day. Any thoughts? My username will be going back to Gaz Imp though: because I'm even on the verge of not being ashamed to be a City fan.

Reports have reached me that the guy across the road is letting his dog foul on my lawn. I was alerted to this by the prescence of dog muck on my shoes. Investigation revealed him as the culprit. What to do? Is saving my own faeces in a tupperware tub and throwing it at his caravan a step too far?

In other news I'd like to offer my own prayers for the family of Gary Speed. The Welsh national manager was respected throughout the football community, and the tragic news that he has taken his own life has really hit me hard. People often comment that suicide is a cowards way out, but nobody of sane mind can possibly understand what a person has to be going through in order to take their own life. My own memories of Gary will be of an all action midfielder who always gave 100% and was a shining example to young players on how to conduct yourself on the pitch. Recently I'd noted him as a manager and pundit of immense knowledge and potential, and his passing is extremely sad for everyone connected with the game of football.
RIP Gary, I hope you find the peace that has sadly evaded you in life.

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