
By Foxxxey

Black Sunday

I was awake at 6am this morning thanks to the dogs and their internal alarm clock. They have no respect for the sick! After feeding them and settling down on the settee with a disgustingly large cup of coffee I watched them play. And by play I mean watched the older smaller staffy drop kick and head hump the damnation in to submission. it got me thinking..... Wouldn't it be interesting if this was the way we chose to resolve issues at work. not happy with the boss, no problem. A quick dry hump to the head and everyones a winner.

The rest of the day was spent doing my uni assignment. Borinhell really doesn't cover it. As a mature student at the tender age of 25.... And 80 months, I just struggle to see what the point is of me telling u in 3000 words what impact the change in packaging had on McCain chips. Am I ever going to use this in the future I find myself frequently asking myself. Perhaps I should apply for a job with McCain seeing as I am now such an expert in the failings of their company. (P.S. If I ever do use this most valuable information again in my entire existence I will give every viewer of this blog £1000!). One down one to go!

What with being sick and studying all weekend I actually missed the uk sale-a-thon which we have now inherited from our smooth talking neighbours, the yanks. no more are the traditional January sales. No, these have been replaced by black Friday sales (which incidentally makes this black Sunday) which are customary after thanksgiving. You know, that good old British tradition which we all honour and celebrate here on good old blighty soil! hmmmmm!!!! What next dare I ask.

Time to start the festive season with a glass of fizz I do think so.

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