
By RMurang

Day 7


On the seventh day of the Manipur Sangai Tourism Festival, 2011 ( 21 Nov. 2011 to 30 Nov. 2011) held mainly to attract tourists into the State of Manipur.

The festival comprises of
(1) trekking, cycling, sightseeing of the main tourists spots;
(2) exhibiting indigenous games and sports,
(3) cultural dances and other entertainment programmes;
(4) providing multiple food items - both indigenous, continental etc.;
(5) showcasing trade items from Thailand, Korea, Kenya, Myanmar etc; (6) exhibition-cum-contest of photographs relating to the State on three themes - (i) Nature including Landscape (ii) Flora and Fauna & (iii) Festivals;
(7) extreme sports including paragliding, tight rope walking, speed climbing/scaling, rafting, canoeying & kayaking etc.

Formerly there have been restrictions for tourists to enter the state. Now, these restrictions will soon be lifted.

The image above depicts two warriors engaged in sword fighting, one of the many items of the diverse martial arts of this region.

P.S. I feel so sorry for the recent black-out in the journal due to unavoidable constraints mainly from multi-pronged assignments including weddings, ceremonies & other events in succession and the aftermath of quick deliveries squeezing whatever little time I set aside for blip. However, things have improved favorably and I hope to continue blipping as usual. Thanks, my friends, for the lovely notes you left while I am away. Much appreciated. Gracias!

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