That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Daybreak Over Stirling

We had intended to drive home yesterday but, with the weather being so foul, fearing a drive through flood, landslips or fallen trees in the dark, we invited ourselves to stay another night and leave very early today, going straight to church in time for choir practice.

So we were up at 6am and after a quick breakfast, kindly left out by our hosts, we were off. Of course, it was still dark but we made good progress until a near-miss with a fallen branch on our side of the road - we stopped to pull it aside and found a number plate, so guess the other half had been run over already. Our tyres seem to have survived and we continued, with some caution.

It appeared that there was a fair amount of local flooding in the glens, with trees standing in water, but no further hazard on our route. We watched the sun break through as we approached Stirling Castle, (catch a glimpse in Large) with swirling clouds and a short shower of rain. And by 9.30 we were home, in time for a very large coffee and freshen-up, in plenty of time for church.

I have back-blipped for Friday and Saturday which you may like to see.

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