Yeah I'm doing alright.

By stez

the charmer

sorry for the long space of blips. not a whole lot to blip and i was uninspired past week. i had finals since the 13th until the 17th so i didn't get out much this past week. not a fun time for me or my family.

but they're done now!!! yay!!!

and i know i have all A's... *happy dance* i haven't had all A's since like the 8th grade. it's a fabulous feeling. :D i'm just waiting on my latin exam now...eek.

anywho. this is my perfume. it's called 'the charmer'.. who picks these names??? somebody has a job that names perfumes. that is someone's occupation. seriously. we have a job for that in today's world.

...i'd take that job :)

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