Dreaming Tree

By Dreamingtree

Mitzy in a box

This is Mitzy (a.k.a. Mitzy Moo). She's about 14 years old, but I've only had her for about six. She's the senior member of the group and never lets me or the other cats forget where we rank. When I give them treats, Mitzy has to take hers separate from the group, usually making me walk to her.

She has all the other cats intimidated (me too at times) even though she's the smallest. She just gives them a look and they walk the other way.

But she's a sweet cat too. She still likes to play and loves to get in any sort of bag, basket or box (this particular box is probably smaller than an shoe box). She's a real character...hopefully she'll allow me to blip her again sometime. :)

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