a day in the life of life

By Vanessa

Rommell piet geweest

Tradition for my family is not just a hand me down of rituals, rules or regulations. For us the importance of tradition plays out its values, foundations, its roots, our roots.

Keeping traditon creates mini photo albums in our hearts and minds, - memories, stories to share and to pass down the generations.

Here are some photos of the dutch tradition of Sinterklass, and the visitation of "Rommell piet" (messy piet) - mess by any definition refers to untidy, a little of an understatement, i am thinking more along the lines of "tornado piet" who leaves as quickly as he arrives leaving a torrent of debris in his wake.

Before he leaves rommell piet places little presents in each of the childrens shoes...

The reaction of my children was mixture of shock and complete and utter exitement.

today memories were made...

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